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Nothing happens by accident. You showed up here at this time for a reason and you are at the right place in this moment. Are you ready? Dare to be Great! Go to http://www.warriorofsuccess.com/ and get your Free e-book.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The secret is the first step.

The secret is in the first step.

What is the secret to Achievement toward any goal? The secret is in the first step. Newton tells us anything in motion tends to stays in motion. As I reward a student their first belt level in kenpo karate, I always remind them that black belt is the big goal, but the most important level is the first one. Without the first belt level you never get to the next. Just as in any goal you have to take the first step and grow on that. That first step helps you create that momentum you need.

Remember that life without action is life without purpose. Start with the first step today and keep moving toward your big dream or goal.

Always Dare to be Great!

Rodney Lynn Lane
Taking Life On!