The Secret To Passion
Tony Robbins is famous for saying; “Live with passion.”
Benjamin Disraeli said “Man is only great when he acts from passion.”
What is passion? What does the word passion mean to you? To some people it means enthusiasm; to others it means a deep desire. The word passion comes from the Greek word pathos which means “to suffer” or emotion. We use the word passion as something that drives us. When you say you have a passion for a goal or for a purpose usually you have a burning desire, a longing for it. And just like the word pathos means to suffer, you will suffer through almost anything for it.
Oliver Wendell Holmes said;
“Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.” That happens to people without purpose and a passion to move toward a desired goal. Passion makes the impossible possible.
Passion is what Martin Luther King Jr. had when he moved a nation to change. Passion is what the Write Brothers had when they pursued their vision of flight and went on to pioneer air travel when the experts said it couldn’t be done.
Passion has always been the underlying force behind all great things in this world. Passion creates power deep within that makes you take action and move forward.
It’s passion that defies the odds, that gives you faith and the drive to see your dreams through, in the face of hardships, which are bound to happen as you step out of the mediocre into your greatness. Passion is what gets you up when you get knocked down. Passion is the emotion that keeps you focused on your vision and purpose. Passion will get you up early and keep up late. Passion will give you that extra boost of energy when your battery runs low.
Imagine for a moment that you were out in the middle of the ocean on a yacht. Then all of a sudden you got pushed over the side and fail into the water. Then you felt a hand holding you down, keeping you under the water. With all your effort you try to push to the top. You’ll try every possible means to reach the top. You would be enthusiastic, excited and full of action. That is the type of passion I’m talking about. That’s the kind of passion that makes the difference in your life.
With passion and purpose you will always encounter some risk. Along with risk you will have some fear of the unknown. You may ask yourself what if this never works out. Instead ask yourself what if it did work out. Don’t die with your music still in you.
So, how do you create that passion that we’re talking about? How do you find that one thing that stirs you deep down in your soul?
1. To begin with you must have a vision. You must have a vision of a definite goal or purpose. Purpose has to come first. That’s why I put it first in this series Purpose, Passion and Power. The bible tells us that “those without vision parish.” The vision you hold constant in your mind is the vision that helps create the passion that pushes you forward. James Lane Allen said; “Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.”
2. Have faith in yourself and for the things you strive for. Faith + Belief = Courage. Mark Twain said; “Courage is not the absence of fear but the control of fear.” Create the habit of knowing that you can handle any challenge that comes along. A positive knowing that you can learn and grow as you go forward. You don’t need all the answers when you start. Anything worth doing is worth doing badly in the beginning. When we learn to walk as babies we crawl, stand, fall and then we walk. We never stop when we fall, that’s why we’re all walking around today. The falls from your past doesn’t equal your future.
When Bill Gates sold his software idea to IBM he didn’t have any software to offer. He persuaded IBM to use his software and then he started to work to find it and become the richest man on the planet. He didn’t have all the answers that day, but he new he could find them.
The wake of a ship is only an indication of where it’s been. You don’t captain a ship by looking behind you. At lest the captains I know never do. You can’t direct your life in the direction you want to go by looking behind you either.
3. Seek wisdom. Ben Franklin once said; “Genius without education is like silver in the mine.” Any fool can become passionate and highly motivated, and then you only have a passionate highly motivated fool. Work on yourself daily. Read books and quotes that keep you on fire and passionate. Listen to audio programs that feed your mind with good motivational messages that inspire you. Inspire means to be in-spirit which means breath. If your not inspired then you have no breath, if you have no breath you have no life. Stay inspired.
4. Create the habit of discipline. Re-center yourself every morning or when you find yourself getting off track. Morning is the best time of day to get your self centered and on course for the day. Take the first half hour to an hour of the morning to get your mindset in order. When you first wake in the morning you’re still in alpha state, the same state you go into during hypnosis. This is the best time to help program your mind for success. Go over your goals list. List all the reasons why you’re passionate about this vision or goal. Imagine the successful outcome and how you and the people you serve will benefit. Make your blueprint for the day.
5. Look for the circumstances you want and take action!
George Bernard Shaw said;
“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them, make them.”
To often people let circumstances stop them dead in their tracks. When you find your passion you will find the circumstances you want.
“If thought is the seed of creation then action is the doorway to results.” …R. Lynn Lane
R. Lynn Lane
Speaker - Trainer – Seminars Get your free e-book Twelve steps on the pathway to greatness.
(c) 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
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