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Thursday, September 13, 2007


Forgive Yourself And Others
"Forgiveness Is The Key To Action And Freedom" ---Hannah Arendt
Without the ability to forgive yourself and others you are bound to that baggage. That is like putting your car in drive and stepping on the accelerator with the park brake on. You can't go forward and if you do, it's not going to be very far. But, once you release that brake you'll move forward feeling unencumbered. The same is true with your life. Once you drop the baggage and release the brakes, you're on your way.
Forgiving others can be difficult. Sometimes the person who has wronged you has no idea what they have done. Many adults in their 30s, 40s, and even 50s still hold some type of grudge or negative emotion toward the parents. Yet the parents have no idea they have done anything at all. When you harbor negative emotions like guilt, resentment, jealousy, and anger you set the stage for failure, bad health, and ruined relationships. If you can't forgive, you help your body create side effect and diseases that run from headaches, heart attack, hypertension, stroke and cancer.
Let it go so you can grow! You have no need to pay that same price over and over again. Let it go! You have no need for it; it does not serve you now. You are now maturing and learning from the past. Negative emotions serve you only when you learn from them. When you feel guilt, that serves you by letting you know that you have violated a core value. Once you realize that violation, make the choice to never do it again. And let it go.
One great way to release the guilt and anger is to use the letter. Sit down and grab a pen and paper and begin to write. Write all the guilt you may feel, write all the hate and anger you feel. Just allow it to flow from your pen. Forgive yourself in that letter, and forgive all the others you feel negative emotions about. Put it aside for about 24 hours. Then pick it back up and start to write more if you need to. Take your time and make sure you have it all down. Then take it to a place that you can burn it, and watch it burn and just let it go up in smoke. Notice how much better you feel after you finish.