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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Givers vs Takers

We live in a world of givers and takers. So many takers complain about how life is unfair and sucks for them without realizing that they are creating a emotional and financial deficit in their own life.

The universe keeps a score card of credits and debits that you create with your actions and thoughts. Imagine a list with credits on the one side and debits on the other. All the credits come from your contributions of emotional investments toward others. All your debits come from the negative emotions you create.

Thinks about all the thoughts, ideas, negative remarks, gossip, complaining and actions you take toward another person or a situation you’re in.

I tell this to a taker and they say, but life’s not fair. I say, you're right! Life’s not fair when a 2 year old boy is in the burn center with 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 60% of his body after a parent put scalding hot water on him. Life’s not fair when my wife is battling cancer and I watch her go through the pain and sickness.

Darn right life’s not fair. But it’s life. We all must deal with what is and do our best to work through it. It’s easy to look for the worst life has to offer. But life pays better returns when we make a conscious choice to give back the best we can.

Action Plan
1. Be Grateful for every new day!
2. Find a worthy cause to give to.
3. Always be encouraging and give others hope.
4. Lift others up every chance you can.