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Nothing happens by accident. You showed up here at this time for a reason and you are at the right place in this moment. Are you ready? Dare to be Great! Go to http://www.warriorofsuccess.com/ and get your Free e-book.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What are you thinking?

Emmerson said; "We become what we think about most of the time."

The Bible tells us "As a man thinks, so shall he be."

What are you thinking most of the time? We create our own thoughts and therefore create our lives and our world. Your thoughts and your actions have lead you to the place you are now and the person you have become. If you don't like who you are and where you are you can change that by the thoughts you have most of the time. When the human mind creates a new way of thinking you will also create new habits through your new actions and the effect will be a new journey, life, person and a new world.

Action steps.

1. Constantly think of the person you wish to be. Think about the things you want out of life.
James Allen wrote in his book "As a Man Thinketh" - "You can not travel within and stand still without."

2. Act as if. Begin to act as if you are already the person you wish to be. This will help to reinforce the new thought patterns and create the habit of your new actions.

3. Know that you have it within to create your world. The word desire in it's root means of the Father. If you have the desire you have the ability within to create or you would have never received the desire in the first place.

Always Dare to be Great!

R. Lynn Lane

email kenpolane@yahoo.com