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Friday, January 30, 2009

The 1% Effect

Are you a 1% person? Are you committed to doing 1% better tomorrow on the the things you want or desire in life?

It's easy to do nothing at all. But if you just commit to doing 1% better day after day think about where you'll be 1 to 5 years from today.

Making that decision is the hardest step. Making that first step will create the momentum you need. Once you start and take that first step the next step is easier.

Don't think to yourself, I should take that step. Don't just should on yourself. Kick that should out of yourself and do that 1%. Only 1% is so easy to do. But it is also easy not to do. Truly it's easier to do nothing at all and that's what most people do.

If you can do 1% better think what you could achieve by doing only 10%.

Follow up with your 1% commitment and continue to strive forward.

Rodney Lynn Lane

My new book Never Ending Youis ready.

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